При натискане на „Приеми всички“, или ако продължиш да разглеждаш сайта, приемаш всички бисквитки, чиято цел е подобряване на навигацията, анализа на потреблението и участие в провеждането на различни маркетингови кампании. Ако искаш да откажеш, натисни „Откажи всички“. На общи условия може да се запознаете с условията за използване на lavoga.bg.
H2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
H3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
H4. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
H5. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
H6. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
You’re in a bright room that’s smells simultaneously of sweat and firsthand fabric. People are either aggressively pushing past you or practically begging for your attention. As you make your rounds, struggling to get to everyone, you feel a sense of urgency to run to the backroom to catch your breath. But when your hand is finally on the doorknob, and you know for sure you’ve tended to everyone, a hand grasps your shoulder—it’s a customer who wants another colour in the same size. And no, she doesn’t want your co-worker’s help; she wants you.
You’re not famous or the president of some renowned company. Sadly, the attention you’re getting is based solely on the fact that you’re a retail worker on a Saturday afternoon dealing with an understaffed store.When you’re talking to hundreds of people per shift, you’re bound to run into a ton of unique characters. There are the people you love—because clearly they themselves have worked retail and know how frustrating it is.
You’re in a bright room that’s smells simultaneously of sweat and firsthand fabric. People are either aggressively pushing past you or practically begging for your attention. As you make your rounds, struggling to get to everyone, you feel a sense of urgency to run to the backroom to catch your breath. But when your hand is finally on the doorknob, and you know for sure you’ve tended to everyone, a hand grasps your shoulder—it’s a customer who wants another colour in the same size. And no, she doesn’t want your co-worker’s help; she wants you.
You’re not famous or the president of some renowned company. Sadly, the attention you’re getting is based solely on the fact that you’re a retail worker on a Saturday afternoon dealing with an understaffed store.
People are either aggressively pushing past you or practically begging for your attention. As you make your rounds, struggling to get to everyone, you feel a sense of urgency to run to the backroom to catch your breath. But when your hand is finally on the doorknob, and you know for sure you’ve tended to everyone, a hand grasps your shoulder—it’s a customer who wants another colour in the same size. And no, she doesn’t want your co-worker’s help; she wants you. You’re not famous or the president of some renowned company. Sadly, the attention you’re getting is based solely on the fact that you’re a retail worker on a Saturday afternoon dealing with an understaffed store.When you’re talking to hundreds of people per shift, you’re bound to run into a ton of unique characters. There are the people you love—because clearly they themselves have worked retail and know how frustrating it is.
People are either aggressively pushing past you or practically begging for your attention. As you make your rounds, struggling to get to everyone, you feel a sense of urgency to run to the backroom to catch your breath. But when your hand is finally on the doorknob, and you know for sure you’ve tended to everyone, a hand grasps your shoulder—it’s a customer who wants another colour in the same size. And no, she doesn’t want your co-worker’s help; she wants you. You’re not famous or the president of some renowned company. Sadly, the attention you’re getting is based solely on the fact that you’re a retail worker on a Saturday afternoon dealing with an understaffed store.When you’re talking to hundreds of people per shift, you’re bound to run into a ton of unique characters. There are the people you love—because clearly they themselves have worked retail and know how frustrating it is.
- The regular customer
- The customer who ignores you
- The happy and kind customer
- The angry customer
- The customer who’s scared of you
- The regular customer
- The customer who ignores you
- The happy and kind customer
- The angry customer
- The customer who’s scared of you
- The regular customer
- The customer who ignores you
- The happy and kind customer
- The angry customer
- The customer who’s scared of you
- The regular customer
- The customer who ignores you
- The happy and kind customer
- The angry customer
- The customer who’s scared of you
- The regular customer
- The customer who ignores you
- The happy and kind customer
- The angry customer
- The customer who’s scared of you
- The regular customer
- The customer who ignores you
- The happy and kind customer
- The angry customer
- The customer who’s scared of you